Wieso Schwäche
Masterthesis – 2022

      The ability to read allows us to communicate information independently of time and place. Inclusive design aspires to make information accessible for everyone through certain strategies and guidelines. The fact that children’s books, which play a significant role while learning to read, oftentimes exclude dyslexic children due to their design, set the impulse for this book. Due to a lack of collective guidelines the question of how dyslexic-friendly design of print mediums for children looks like, was followed. Furthermore, which design recommendations from barrier-free design, pedagogy and reading research improve the readability of text for dyslexic children?
       „Why Weakness? Book design for dyslexic children.“ answers these questions by means of a guideline for designers and a children’s book, which took the findings of this thesis into consideration during its implementation process.

Wieso Schwäche
Masterthesis – 2022

      The ability to read allows us to communicate information independently of time and place. Inclusive design aspires to make information accessible for everyone through certain strategies and guidelines. The fact that children’s books, which play a significant role while learning to read, oftentimes exclude dyslexic children due to their design, set the impulse for this book. Due to a lack of collective guidelines the question of how dyslexic-friendly design of print mediums for children looks like, was followed. Furthermore, which design recommendations from barrier-free design, pedagogy and reading research improve the readability of text for dyslexic children?
       „Why Weakness? Book design for dyslexic children.“ answers these questions by means of a guideline for designers and a children’s book, which took the findings of this thesis into consideration during its implementation process.

Wieso Schwäche
Masterthesis – 2022

      The ability to read allows us to communicate information independently of time and place. Inclusive design aspires to make information accessible for everyone through certain strategies and guidelines. The fact that children’s books, which play a significant role while learning to read, oftentimes exclude dyslexic children due to their design, set the impulse for this book. Due to a lack of collective guidelines the question of how dyslexic-friendly design of print mediums for children looks like, was followed. Furthermore, which design recommendations from barrier-free design, pedagogy and reading research improve the readability of text for dyslexic children?
       „Why Weakness? Book design for dyslexic children.“ answers these questions by means of a guideline for designers and a children’s book, which took the findings of this thesis into consideration during its implementation process.